Christian Kidd never doubted he would fight alongside his wife Alexis after she was diagnosed with mesothelioma, but he wasn’t fully prepared for the financial and emotional struggles to come.
The Dual Role of Caregiver and Advocate
Christian Kidd fell in love with Alexis Kidd before she was diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma — and was determined to be by her side through everything that came next.
He drew from earlier life experiences caring for his mother during her health challenges to support Alexis throughout her diagnosis and treatment.
“You have to take care of yourself by prioritizing what you feel comfortable with.”
Below, Christian shares insights into his experience as a mesothelioma caregiver and how he focused on advocating for Alexis to ensure she received the best care possible.
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No Stranger to Caregiving
In order to talk about the hardest moments of caregiving, I have to start by sharing some information about my mother, Leocadia (nicknamed Yaya).
Born on a farm in Panama, my mother moved to Panama City to attend college. She then married my father and later had me. I had a strict upbringing, but I feel it made me a stronger person and prepared me for what happened next.
My mother had a stroke at work and ended up paralyzed on her left side. It was very difficult for me, working all day and spending evenings by her side in the hospital. The stress was a lot, but my mother was a very optimistic person, and that rubbed off on me.
Eventually, we were able to request support from Social Security. They paid for someone to spend three hours a day at my apartment on weekdays while I was working. Then I came home to care for her. It was exhausting.
“The hospital contacted me when they heard of my mother’s condition and informed me they offered free therapy sessions to deal with the stress of being a caregiver. That was very helpful.”
Years later, when Alexis was diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma, I felt I had some preparation for what she was about to go through. But nothing could have equipped me for the realities of caring for someone with mesothelioma. It was tough emotionally and financially.
The Financial Challenges of a Mesothelioma Diagnosis
At the time Alexis was diagnosed with mesothelioma, she was working at a business supply company in Houston. She had to take time off for doctor’s appointments, and I went to visit one of her supervisors. All I could think about was making sure she kept her job so she didn’t lose her health insurance.
When I asked her supervisor if they were planning on keeping her on board, they were adamant that they would. “We all love Alexis,” they promised. But still, she was terminated from her position — a worst-case scenario. Money quickly became tight.
“Alexis lost her health insurance, and all I could think about was that she wouldn’t be able to get coverage. She would be refused on the grounds of having a pre-existing condition.”
Alexis was in and out of the hospital for various procedures. Since she wasn’t working, she tried to cut any expenses she could. She canceled her storage unit and gave away everything in it.
We struggled to pay our bills on one income, with medical debt mounting and creditors contacting us by phone and mail.
No one deserves to face financial stress from a mesothelioma diagnosis alone. Call our team at (866) 608-8933 or contact us to learn about pursuing compensation to help pay for your medical care and daily living expenses.
The Pain of Watching a Loved One Struggle
Mirroring my earlier life experience, I was overwhelmed working and leaving afterward to be by Alexis’s side at the mesothelioma hospital on weeknights and weekends.
Fatigue started to hit me, but it was more stressful to see her crying and not wanting to be in the hospital.
“The best thing to do is stay calm, pace yourself, and try to be optimistic.”
I found solitude in the consistency of going back and forth between work and the hospital. I never got burnt out and focused on gratitude. When I wasn’t with Alexis, I focused on music — practicing my guitar and working on my band.
The Power of Persistence
Alexis was initially turned down by a hospital to be treated for her mesothelioma. We went online and did as much research as we could. It is really amazing what you might find.
We found oncologists and surgeons as far away as New York who were willing to see her, but they were so booked up that we were placed on a year-long waiting list. After a year, they still couldn’t see us.
We sought care from the Houston Medical Center and even an army hospital. Finally, a lecturer at MD Anderson Cancer Center found a team to take on Alexis’s case.
“Be persistent. Get in touch with mesothelioma organizations. Contact other hospitals, search the internet, and talk to your doctors. But persistence is key.”
Get Support for Caregiving Challenges
If you’re caring for someone you love as they battle mesothelioma, you don’t have to go it alone. Mesothelioma Hope is here to advocate on your behalf with connections, resources, and information for your fight.
We can help you:
- Find a doctor near you (and avoid long waiting lists)
- Connect with emotional support resources like therapists and peer mentors
- Determine how to pay for treatment, even if you don’t have insurance
Contact our team anytime by calling (866) 608-8933 or filling out our contact form.