A future veterinarian never imagined her work in college chemistry labs would one day lead to a life-altering diagnosis

Dr. Bonnie Snyder has always been determined. At just 16 years old, she enrolled in college as a chemistry major to build her resume for veterinary school. Women were not commonly accepted into the field at the time, so Bonnie was committed to working that much harder to prove herself.

After rigorous years of study, she earned her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and was ready for a long, joyous career working with animals. When breast and thyroid cancer attempted to stop her, she survived them and continued her active lifestyle with her husband and beloved animals.

However, her third cancer diagnosismesothelioma — came as a staggering blow. Once again, she knew she had to find answers, fight back, and protect the life she had worked so hard to build.

A Shocking Discovery During a Routine Cancer Checkup

No stranger to cancer, Bonnie had been in and out of doctors’ offices for years. A follow-up MRI scan after her double mastectomy for breast cancer revealed fluid in her lungs. Her doctor recommended she get a surgical biopsy to determine what was causing it.

Bonnie declined the biopsy since she was already undergoing treatment for thyroid cancer and had plans to walk a marathon. Just 3 months later, however, her symptoms worsened. She had trouble breathing and went to the emergency room twice to get the fluid drained.

“After the second time, my husband said, ‘That’s it. You’re going to do what the doctor said, and you’re going to go talk to the surgeon about what’s going on in your chest.’”
–Dr. Bonnie Snyder, pleural mesothelioma survivor

In September 2022, she was diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma, a rare and aggressive cancer that develops in the lung lining. Like many other patients, she knew very little about this disease. Her doctor predicted she had 6-24 months to live.

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Connecting the Dots to Her Diagnosis

Bonnie remembers turning to the internet to find answers about her diagnosis. She learned that the only cause of mesothelioma is asbestos, a mineral that was used in thousands of products made before the 1980s to keep them durable and fireproof.

However, she struggled to recall when, how, and where she was exposed to asbestos — until she remembered the chemistry labs she worked in during college.

Nearly every day from the time she was 16 to 24 years old, Bonnie used heat-resistant gloves, tongs, and Bunsen burners that contained asbestos.

“I remember that “asbestos” was actually written on the label of these products. But I had no idea, as a 16 year old, that there was any relationship between mesothelioma and asbestos.”
–Dr. Bonnie Snyder, pleural mesothelioma survivor

Adjusting to Life With Mesothelioma

Bonnie’s decades-old asbestos exposure completely changed her and her husband’s previously active lifestyle.

Her husband, whom she met while teaching at California Polytechnic State University, owned a ranch where he worked with mules. In the early days of their relationship, he taught her to ride the mules, an activity they continued to enjoy throughout their 40-year marriage.

However, Bonnie’s unexpected mesothelioma diagnosis halted their favorite pastimes completely.

“Right now, I am not strong enough to even lift my body into the saddle. And I’m not strong enough to handle a mule anymore. That’s all a result of mesothelioma.”
–Dr. Bonnie Snyder, pleural mesothelioma survivor

Her oncologist recommended chemotherapy, but Bonnie was wary because of the side effects she experienced during breast cancer treatment. This is when she and her husband started researching alternative treatments.

I think that’s what saved my life,” Bonnie shared. “It’s really important for cancer patients to do their research, understand their options, and make the choices that are best for them.”

The Financial Toll of Cancer Treatment

As mesothelioma treatment and travel expenses began to mount, Bonnie and her husband struggled to keep up. Bonnie had to temporarily move to a different state to pursue treatment, which meant her husband was commuting back and forth to take care of the ranch.

The Snyders took out multiple loans, drained their savings and retirement accounts, and were looking for more ways to find money to pay for her treatment. The costs became so overwhelming that they worried they would lose the ranch and the life they had built together.

“I am not a litigious person,” Bonnie said. But it was during this time that her husband was referred to top mesothelioma law firm Simmons Hanly Conroy.

“He thought legal was our best option because treatment pretty much destroyed us financially. He felt we should file a lawsuit and see what could be done to help us continue with treatment.”
–Dr. Bonnie Snyder, pleural mesothelioma survivor

If you or your loved one are facing a mesothelioma diagnosis and want to know your financial options, get a Free Case Review with Simmons Hanly Conroy now.

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Shara Fisher
Shara Fisher Senior Paralegal
17+ years providing legal help to mesothelioma victims

Legal Help Provided Answers and Justice

Bonnie agreed to meet with a mesothelioma lawyer. “He flew from New York to Scottsdale and sat with me and my sister while I was going through chemotherapy,” she remembered. Even though she was struggling with “chemo brain,” Bonnie’s lawyer was patient, thoughtful, and understanding.

“My lawyer went out of his way to make sure I understood that my health and welfare came first.”
–Dr. Bonnie Snyder, pleural mesothelioma survivor

During her case review, Bonnie learned the manufacturers of the products she used in college knew asbestos could cause serious health issues.

Bonnie filed a mesothelioma lawsuit to hold those manufacturers accountable and recover from the financial devastation her cancer treatment had caused.

Continuing to Fight and Make Memories

Bonnie’s lawyers secured her a settlement out of court, something she didn’t even think was possible until she held the first check in her hand.

I didn’t believe it until I saw that first settlement check,” Bonnie recalled. “And then there was a relief because I could pay off one of the medical loans. It was a great relief.”

With the rest of the compensation they received, the couple paid off their medical bills and now have enough money to continue paying for Bonnie’s treatment. They were also able to keep the ranch that was home to their beloved mules and other animals.

Bonnie and her husband continue to make joyful memories every day. While she can no longer ride mules like she used to, she regained enough strength to walk a 5-mile marathon with her cousins and sister.

“We came in last. We all came in last, but we finished the marathon,” Bonnie said. “Mesothelioma has opened doors and taught me lessons and given me blessings that I would never have known otherwise.”

As a mesothelioma survivor, she continues to fight so she can keep enjoying these moments with her family and animals.

You’re Not Alone: How Mesothelioma Hope Can Help

Bonnie’s mesothelioma survivor story is a reminder that nobody has to walk this journey alone.

At Mesothelioma Hope, we help families affected by this rare cancer connect with personalized medical guidance, legal help, and a support system of Patient Advocates.

“There’s no way to make mesothelioma easy. But I think the help we received made it as easy as was humanly possible. And I truly appreciate that.”
–Dr. Bonnie Snyder, pleural mesothelioma survivor

If you or a loved one is fighting mesothelioma, call us at (866) 608-8933 or get our Free Survivors Guide to learn how others have found help and support.

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Laura WrightWritten by:

Lead Editor

Laura Wright is a journalist and content strategist with more than 16 years of professional experience. She attended college at the University of Florida, graduating magna cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in journalism in 2008. Her writing has been featured in The Gainesville Sun and other regional publications throughout Florida.

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