Get a Free Asbestos Disease Case Review

Couple talking to lawyer

See if you’re eligible for financial assistance after an asbestos-related diagnosis.

  • Over $30 billion already set aside
  • Pursue compensation without leaving home
  • Most payouts start within 90 days

Get a Free Asbestos Case Review

Help Is 3 Simple Steps Away

1. Get in Touch

Call us at (866) 608-8933, use our live chat, or fill out our contact form today.

2. Let Us File Your Claim

Our team will build your case while you focus on your health and family.

3. Receive Compensation

Most victims get asbestos payouts without stepping foot in a courtroom.

$8+ Billionrecovered for victims
40+ Yearsfighting for justice
6,000+families helped

Frequently Asked Questions

How much compensation is available?

As of 2024, asbestos trust funds contain over $30 billion in total compensation that’s already been set aside for victims of asbestos exposure. Our legal partners can determine if you’re owed a portion of this money and file claims on your behalf to help maximize your compensation.

Depending on the details of your case, you may also qualify for additional payouts from a lawsuit. Lawsuit compensation ranges between $1 million and $11.4 million on average, which includes settlements and trial verdicts.

Get a free consultation now to find out what your case may be worth.

Will I have to pay anything out of pocket to file?

No. The attorneys we partner with work on a contingency basis, so it costs you nothing to file a claim. Your legal team will only get paid if they recover compensation for your asbestos-related disease.

How long do I have to take legal action?

You may have as little as 1 year after your diagnosis to file a claim. Every jurisdiction has laws that limit how long you have to seek compensation for an asbestos-related disease.

These laws vary widely from state to state, which can make it difficult to figure out on your own.

Start your free case review now to get help filing a claim.

Older couple shaking hands with lawyer

Mesothelioma Hope helps patients and their loved ones file legal claims for lung cancer, mesothelioma, and other asbestos-related diseases. You can use compensation from asbestos claims in any way you’d like, from medical bills to daily living expenses.

Start Your Free Case Review Now